17 Farms Where You Can Find Local Turkey this Thanksgiving
Now’s the time to start planning your holiday gatherings. Have you made your turkey plan yet? When you prioritize purchasing a local turkey this Thanksgiving, you’ll not only get a turkey with unique and delicious flavor, but you’ll be keeping your food dollars local, growing your local economy, and helping keep family farmers on the land.
For each of the farms below is listed in the online directory on our homepage. To learn more about the farm, their farming practices, online ordering and pick up options or other sales avenues, simply click on their profile on our homepage.
17 Local Turkey Farms
1. Dividing Ridge Farm Adams County Liberty, Illinois 62347 217-473-8299 1.dividingridgefarm@gmail.com 2. Twin Circle Farm Macoupin County Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 618-656-5550 twincirclefarm@gmail.com 3. Flo-Cher Farm Stephenson County Lena, Illinois 61048 815-275-2540 ji.fuzzy295@gmail.com 4. Kinwood Farm Whiteside County Prophetstown, Illinois 61277 563-370-5891 kinwoodfarm@gmail.com 5. Caveny Farm Piatt County Monticello, Illinois 61856 217-762-7767 bourbonredturkey@gmail.com 6. Coriander Fields Madison County Dorsey, Illinois 62021 618-960-6489 mindythechickenlady@gmail.com 7. Harvest Table Foods Iroquois County Ashkum, Illinois 60911 815-689-9000 contact@harvesttablefoods.net 8. Healing Acres Farm Macoupin County Chesterfield, Illinois 62630 217-522-4325 healingacresfarm@gmail.com 9. Main Street Pastures Clinton County Saint Rose, Illinois 62230 618-210-6059 contact@mainstreetpastures.com | 10. Moore Family Farm Iroquois County Watseka, Illinois 60970 815-432-6238 Moore@annabarnesmedia.com 11. Triple S Farms Shelby County Stewardson, Illinois 62463 217-343-3300 stan@triplesfarms.com 12. Cedar Valley Sustainable Farm La Salle County Ottawa, Illinois 61350 815-431-9544 cdrvalleyfarm@gmail.com 13. All Grass Farms LLC Kane County Dundee, Illinois 60118 847-852-7801 cliff@allgrassfarms.com 14. The Flock Farm Union County Anna, Illinois 62906 618-833-0402 info@theflockfarm.com 15. Twin Circle Farm Macoupin County Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 618-656-5550 twincirclefarm@gmail.com 16. Garden Gate Farm Livingston County Fairbury, Illinois 61739 815-848-3518 dougrink68@icloud.com 17. Timberfeast Livingston County Chatsworth, Illinois 60921 708-606-9414 Farm@Timberfeast.com |
We know holiday gatherings will look a little different this year– if you’re planning for a smaller gathering, check out out these handy tips on what to do with that leftover turkey! And
How to store or freeze leftover turkey
Leftover Turkey Meal Prep or Freezer Meal: Sweet Potato Shepherds Pie