What’s In Season?
Guest blogger Ben Garber here to wish you a happy first day of summer! We’ve hit that time of year when the farms and gardens of Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley turn into a kaleidoscope of crops. Every week sees new crops coming into season and old crops surrendering to the hot weather. Every visit to the farmers market holds something new, and farm stands are starting to pop up on the roadsides like wildflowers.
With so much change in seasonal produce at this time of year, it can be hard for consumers to keep track of what’s available near them. Luckily, there’s something new meeting that need: the Market Maker What’s in Season tool!
Virginia Market Maker is a free online platform that acts as a matchmaker between buyers and sellers of ag products. Users can register, create profiles for their businesses, search for other businesses, and post ads on the site. The What’s in Season tool was first developed in Illinois, but it can be used anywhere in the US.
The mobile-friendly What’s in Season tool uses farmer and farmers market info from the Market Maker database. To use the tool, users can enter a ZIP code or use their device’s current location and select a 1-50 mile radius to search within.
Users then select a product to search for from a list. Products highlighted in green are in season, while grayed-out products are not currently available.